星期五, 1月 13, 2006

難怪沒 3D 加速...

不知道為什麼,使用 Xorg 6.8 的時候,一直給我出:

Elf_RelocateEntry() Unsupported relocation type 10
Elf_RelocateEntry() Unsupported relocation type 10
Elf_RelocateEntry() Unsupported relocation type 10

於是,我只好更新到 Xorg 7.0。

但是,ATIpropertiary Linux Driver 卻不支援 Xorg 7.0。所以,想說用 mesa 的 software GLX Driver,可是卻遇到了這個情況...

(WW) RADEON(0): Enabling DRM support

        *** Direct rendering support is highly experimental for Radeon 9500
        *** and newer cards. The 3d mesa driver is not provided in this tree.
        *** A very experimental (and incomplete) version is available from Mesa CVS.
        *** Additional information can be found on http://r300.sourceforge.net
        *** This message has been last modified on 2005-08-07.

煩死啦~~ 降回 xorg 6.8.2 再試一次好了......

1 則留言:

Samael Wang 提到...
