星期一, 3月 30, 2009

Bug wranglers know this bug by heart now

之前更新 gcc-4.3.3-r1 之後,編 mplayer 會吐 ICE 出來。今天 emerge world -ua 的時候看到 gcc-4.3.3-r2,在裝之前想說看一下 ChangeLog 有沒有修好這個 bug:

27 Mar 2009; Peter Alfredsen -gcc-4.3.3-r1.ebuild, +gcc-4.3.3-r2.ebuild: Revbump with broken patch disabled to stop duplicates of bug 262567 from flowing in. Bug wranglers know this bug by heart now.

這個 #262567 file 的就是這個 bug。點進去看一下... 挖咧!二十幾個 duplicates = = 難怪 Bug wranglers 會 know this bug by heart 了 XD~

底下是一段 Quote:

At last, rev-bumped.

Btw, maybe all those duplicates are not the user's inability to search, but their ability to tell you "please *always* rev-bump fixes that are not build-related to the package itself" :P

- Nikos Chantziaras

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